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Clinical Interventions in Aging 


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Physical activity and cognitive function 
in individuals over 60 years of age: 
a systematic review 

Ashley Carvalho''^ 
Irene Maeve Rea^ 
Tanyalak Parimon^'' 
Barry J Cusack^'^ 

'Department of Public Health, ^School 
of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical 
Science, Queen's University Belfast, 
Northern Ireland, UK; ^Research 
and Development Service, Veterans 
Affairs Medical Center, Boise, ID, 
USA; ''Division of Pulmonary and 
Critical Care Medicine, ^Division of 
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 
Department of Medicine, University 
of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 

Correspondence: Ashley Carvalho 
School of Medicine, Dentistry and 
Biomedical Science, Queen's University 
Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK BT9 7BL 

This article was published in the following Dove Press journal: 
Clinical Interventions in Aging 
1 2 April 2014 

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Background: It is unclear whether physical activity in later life is beneficial for maintenance 
of cognitive fiinction. We performed a systematic review examining the effects of exercise on 
cognitive fiinction in older individuals, and present possible mechanisms whereby physical 
activity may improve cognition. 

Methods: Sources consisted of PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, the Cochrane Controlled Trials 
Register, and the University of Washington, School of Medicine Library Database, with a 
search conducted on August 1 5, 20 12 for publications limited to the English language starting 
January 1, 2000. Randomized controlled trials including at least 30 participants and lasting 
at least 6 months, and all observational studies including a minimum of 100 participants for 
one year, were evaluated. All subjects included were at least 60 years of age. 
Results: Twenty-seven studies met the inclusion criteria. Twenty-six studies reported a positive 
correlation between physical activity and maintenance or enhancement of cognitive function. 
Five studies reported a dose-response relationship between physical activity and cognition. One 
study showed a nonsignificant correlation. 

Conclusion: The preponderance of evidence suggests that physical activity is beneficial for 
cognitive function in the elderly. However, the majority of the evidence is of medium quality 
with a moderate risk of bias. Larger randomized controlled trials are needed to clarify the asso- 
ciation between exercise and cognitive function and to determine which types of exercise have 
the greatest benefit on specific cognitive domains. Despite these caveats, the current evidence 
suggests that physical activity may help to improve cognitive function and, consequently, delay 
the progression of cognitive impairment in the elderly. 
Keywords: exercise, cognitive function, elderly 


An unprecedented growth of the aging population is taking place. For example, in 
2000, 28% of adults aged 65 and older were expected to reach at least 90 years; this 
number is projected to rise to 47% by 2050, representing a near-doubling of the elderly 
population to 80 million. ' The economic impact of an aging population on health care 
systems is potentially overwhelming, in particular for age-related disorders such as 
dementia. In 2005, approximately 29.3 million individuals with dementia incurred 
a cost of US$315 billion worldwide, with the highest costs in North America and 
Europe.^ Since then, the global prevalence of dementia has increased to more than 
34 million, and the bulk of disease burden is shifting from developed to developing 
countries.^ As such, effective interventions to help reduce the prevalence of cogni- 
tive disability in the elderly are needed. One possible intervention that deserves 

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Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 661-682 


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Carvalho et al 


consideration is physical activity, an adjunct that has many 
well established health benefits and may serve to enhance 
quality of life.'' However, the effect of exercise on cognitive 
function remains controversial. A National Institutes of 
Health conference review of age-related cognitive decline 
reported a marginal benefit of exercise in one small random- 
ized controlled trial (RCT) and eight observational stud- 
ies showing a possible decrease in cognitive decline with 
exercise.'' A Cochrane review of eleven randomized clinical 
trials reported that aerobic exercise improved cognition in 
a few domains, including cognitive speed and auditory/ 
visual attention, in subjects without cognitive impairment.' 
Another Cochrane review of exercise in patients with 
dementia found only two relevant studies and concluded 
that there was insufficient evidence of benefit from exer- 
cise in these patients. These reviews did not find sufficient 
evidence to endorse exercise as beneficial to cognition, but 
were, overall, narrow in scope. However, other reviews have 
determined different results; for example, a more recent 
review concluded that an exercise regimen of one hour at 
least 3 times per week for 6 weeks was beneficial in subjects 
with or without cognitive impairment.' We have performed 
a systematic review to assess the validity of the current 
data, including more recent randomized clinical trials and 
observational studies that provide a broad-based view of the 
effect of exercise on cognition in elderly persons. 

Materials and methods 


All RCTs with at least 30 participants and lasting at least 
6 months, and all observational studies (prospective cohort 
studies, case-control studies, and longitudinal studies) with 
at least 100 participants and lasting at least one year, which 
were published in the English language on or after January 1 , 
2000 until August 15, 2012, and met the inclusion criteria 
were considered (Table 1). 


Only participants who were 60 years or older were included 
in this review. Studies examining the effects of physical 
activity in elderly individuals with or without mild cogni- 
tive impairment or cognitive disease (such as Alzheimer's 
disease or other dementia) were included. Studies including 
participants with systemic disorders such as chronic obstruc- 
tive pulmonary disease or diabetes, those with traumatic 
brain injury, or comorbidities that precluded participation 
in exercise programs were excluded. 

Table I Characteristics of included studies 


Number of 



Type of included studies 

Randomized controlled trial 



Prospective cohort 


1 1-16,22-24,55-60 







Overall quality of included studies 






8, II- 13, 15,23,26,27, 





Overall risk of bias in included studies 












Physical activity was considered to be any aerobic or iso- 
metric exercise of any intensity, duration, or frequency that 
aimed to improve overall physical fitness. For randomized 
clinical trials, active interventions such as aerobic exercise, 
isometric exercise, health education programs with monitored 
exercise sessions, or physical therapy-driven exercise treat- 
ments were compared with control groups that received no 
intervention (Table 2). 

Outcome measures 

The primary outcome measurement was cognitive function. 
The most commonly used tests included the Mini-Mental 
State Examination (MMSE) or Modified Mini-Mental State 
Examination (3MS), both of which give a global measure 
of cognitive function, and the Cognitive Ability Screening 
Instrument (CASI), which indicates the presence or absence 
of dementia (Table 2). A neuropsychological test battery 
with published criteria (such as the Mayo Clinic Criteria 
for dementia) utilized by an expert panel in diagnosing the 
presence or absence of dementia was also accepted. 

Search methods for study identification 

We searched PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, the Cochrane 
Controlled Trials Register, and the University of Washington 
School of Medicine Library database on August 15, 2012 
for studies published in English on or after January 1 , 2000. 
We used MeSH terms to find studies of physical activity 
including: adaptation, physiological/physiology*, exercise/ 
physiology*, and physical fitness/physiology*. To reduce our 

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Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 


Physical activity and cognitive function in individuals aged over 60 years 

findings to studies that measured cognition or incidence of 
cognitive disease and physical fitness, we searched using the 
following MeSH terms: cognition, cognitive disease, cogni- 
tion disorders/prevention and control, cognition/physiology*, 
brain/physiology*, memory/physiology*, motor activity/ 
physiology*, neuropsychological tests, dementia, and 
Alzheimer's disease. To further reduce our findings to studies 
that focused on elderly human subjects, we searched using 
the MeSH terms: humans, elderly, aged, aging, old, older, 
and geriatric. 

Data collection 

Two reviewers screened the titles and abstracts of all studies 
identified by the search (7 1 studies) and irrelevant studies 
were excluded. Relevant papers were then assessed in full 
for inclusion eligibility. 

Quality assessment 

Two reviewers assessed the methodological quality of the 
selected studies. The Agency for Healthcare Research and 
Quality Methods Reference Guide for Effectiveness and 
Comparative Effectiveness Reviews was used to perform 
quality assessment of the trials. These criteria include 
information on sampling method, outcome measurement, 
intervention, and reporting of biases and limitations. A sum- 
mary of these criteria is presented in Table S 1 . 


Description of studies 

Seventy-one studies were identified using the database as 
described in the Materials and methods section. After removal 
of duplicates, 57 full-text articles were assessed for eligibility 
(Figure 1). Thirty studies were excluded, leaving 27 studies 
that were eligible for review according to the prespecified 
criteria (Figure 1). A total of 30,572 subjects over 60 years 
of age were included in the 27 studies that met our inclusion 
criteria. The characteristics of the studies included in this 
review are described in Tables 1, 2, and 3. The 30 excluded 
studies are described in Table S2. 

Type of included studies, 
and quality and bias 

Fifteen prospective cohorts, ten RCTs, one case-control 
study, and one observational study met the criteria for review 
(Table 1). Eight studies were considered to be of high quality. 
One study,* an RCT, was considered to be of fair quality, rather 
than high, because approximately 12% of patients dropped out 

Records identified through 
database searching 

Additional records identified 
through other sources 

Records after duplicates removed 

Records screened 

Records excluded 

Full-text articles 
assessed for eligibility 

Full-text articles 
excluded, with reasons 

Studies included in 
systematic review 

Figure I Description of studies v/hich were identified, screened, and included in 
the systematic review. 

of the study and could not be assessed. The majority of studies 
(15/27) were of fair quality while three were considered poor 
quality. The overall risk of bias was moderate for the majority 
of the studies (16/27) with eight considered low risk and three 
at high risk of bias (Table 1). Seven of ten RCTs included in 
the review were generally of higher quality and exhibited lower 
bias overall (Table 1). However, the RCT evidence included 
in this review displayed potential bias in the form of lack of 
allocation concealment and lack of assessor blinding, as well 
as lack of participant blinding, since participants were ran- 
domized into either a physical activity group or an education/ 
noninterventional control group. In these studies, the evidence 
tended to be of lower quality with potentially higher bias due 
to possible uru-eliable self-reporting, potential influence of 
interviewers, and use of questionnaires and interviews to assess 
physical activity rather than direct measurements. 

Selection bias 

Most of the studies included in this review were at risk of 
selection bias, because the participants were largely drawn 
from specific population samples (hospital, city, region). 
Selection bias may also have occurred due to the fact that 
the decision to partake in physical activity may be linked to 
potentially confounding lifestyle choices. Further, follow- 
up visits were required for most of the studies, and would 
require the ability to commute to study centers. Potential 
participants were excluded if they had chronic disease, such 
as cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, 
physical disability, or depression. Therefore, the study data 
cannot be extrapolated to such individuals. 

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 

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Carvalho et al 


Table 2 Design, methods, interventions and assessment, and outcome measures in included studies 

Source and 
study design 



Buchman et al^^ 
Prospective study 

Busse et aC' 

Bixby et al" 

Cassilhas et al" 

Geda et al" 

Klusmann et al" 

Total daily physical activity v^as measured with 
actigraphs at baseline. Late-life physical, social, and 
cognitive activities were assessed by self-report and 
by the 1985 National Health Interview Survey 
questions at baseline and follow-up. 
Follow-up: annual assessment for 3.S±I.S4 years 

Participants were randomized to a control group 
(n= 1 4) or a treatment group (n= 1 7). 
Cognitive status was assessed at baseline and follow- 
up using a neurocognitive test battery. Neither the 
participants nor the outcome assessors were blinded, 
and the use of allocation concealment is unclear. 
Follow-up: 3, 6, and 9 months 

Participants were recruited from a retirement 
community through posted flyers, closed-circuit 
television announcements, and investigator 

Physical activity levels were assessed using the YPAS. 
Cognitive and inhibitory executive function was 
assessed by the Stroop Color and Word Test. 
Follow-up: not applicable 

Participants were randomized to 3 groups: a control 
group (n=23), moderate exercise group (n=l9), and 
high exercise group (n=20). 

Use of blinding and allocation concealment in the study 
is unclear. 

Physical fitness was assessed at baseline and follow-up 
by the one RM test. 

Cognitive status was assessed at baseline and follow-up 
using a neuropsychological test battery. 
Follow-up: 24 weeks 

Participants underwent stratified random sampling in to 
case or control group. 

Physical fitness was assessed through self-reporting at 

Cognitive status was assessed at baseline and follow-up 
using a neuropsychological test battery and visuospatial 

Follow-up: 4 years 

This study enrolled German-speaking women from Berlin. 

Eligible subjects were randomized into 2 intervention 

groups (n=9 1 for exercise group, n=92 for computer 

group), and a control group (n=76). 

12 participants (5 in the exercise group and 7 in the 

computer group) refused to participate after being 

informed about their group assignment and withdrew 

consent before treatment started. 

A complete neuropsychological assessment and 

physical evaluation at baseline and 6 months. 

Follow-up: 6 months 

716 subjects 

I 14 males and 602 females 
8 1 .6±7. 1 2 years 

Inclusion criteria: eligible participants of Rush Memory and Aging 

Exclusion criteria: Presence of clinical AD dementia and non-AD 
dementia; unable to have at least one follow-up cognitive testing 
3 1 subjects 

8 males and 23 females 
62-86 years 

Inclusion criteria: No programmed physical exercise 6 months 
prior to selection; subjective memory complaints; normal CDS 
and MMSE; changes in objective memory test; preserved function 
in instrumental and basic activities of daily living. 
Exclusion criteria: dementia, depression, anxiety disorders, head 
trauma or stroke within one year, substance abuse, unstable 
cardiovascular disease 
1 20 subjects 

38 males and 82 females 
65-92 years 

Retirement community residents recruited through posted 
flyers, closed-circuit television announcements, and investigator 

Inclusion criteria: above average intelligence; stable patterns of 
physical activity during a 3— 5-year period before the study. 
Exclusion criteria: depression, dementia 
62 subjects 
All males 
65-75 years 

Inclusion criteria: not described. 

Exclusion criteria: cardiovascular disease; psychiatric conditions; 
use of psychotropic drugs; <8 years of schooling; dementia 
(MMSE score <23) 

1 ,324 subjects 

681 males and 633 females 

70-89 years 

Participants of the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging 

Cases: (n=l98) cases with mild cognitive impairment based on: 

concern expressed by a physician or nurse; cognitive impairment 

in one or more tested domains; ability to participate in normal 

functioning activities; and free of dementia. 

Controls: (n=l,l26) cases with normal cognitive function 

according to published normative criteria for the community 

259 subjects 

All female 

Age >70 years 

Eligibility criteria: being unfamiliar with the computer and 
exercising less than one hour per week. 
Exclusion criteria: severe visual or hearing impairment; a 
previous or current diagnosis of depression or psychosis; any 
other neurological or medical disorder that would interfere with 
cognitive performance or preclude successful participation in the 
intervention programs 

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Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 


Physical activity and cognitive function in individuals aged over 60 years 


Cognitive function nneasurennents 


A computer-scoring battery of 19 tests 
Diagnosis of AD and non-AD was performed by 
clinicians using National Institute of Neurological and 
Communicative Disorders, Stroke-Alzheimer's Disease 
and Related Disorders Association Criteria 

Treatment group: a one-hour biweekly training session for 9 months with 6 
resistance-training exercises per session. Loads progressively increased in series 
of 1 2, 1 0, and 8 repetitions. 
Control group: no intervention 

Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test 
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale 
Direct and Indirect Digit Span 
Memory Complaints Scale 
Cambridge Cognitive Test 


Physical fitness assessment: YPAS and weekly energy expenditure (beyond basal 
metabolic rate). 

Stability in physical activity levels for 3-5 years prior to the study assessment: a health 
history questionnaire. 

Cognitive function assessment: Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test and Stroop Color and 
Word Test 

Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test 
Stroop Color and Word Test 

Moderate exercise group: Three one-hour sessions/week (lO-minute cycling warm-up, 

stretching exercises and weight training using loads of 50% of one RM and alternating 

segments with two series of 8 repetitions for each segment). 

High exercise group: Three one-hour sessions/week (lO-minute cycling warm-up, 

stretching exercises, and weight training using loads of 80% of one RM and alternating 

segments with two series of 8 repetitions for each segment). 

Control group: one weekly training session consisting of warm-up and stretching 

exercises, but no overload training 

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III 
Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised 
Toulouse-Pieron concentration attention test 
Ray-Osterrieth complex figure 


Physical fitness assessment: a self-reported questionnaire derived from the 1 985 
National Health Interview Survey and the Minnesota Heart Survey intensity codes. 
Cognitive function assessment: Mayo Clinic criteria for mild cognitive impairment 

Mayo Clinic criteria for mild cognitive impairment 

Exercise group: exercise program consisted of aerobic endurance, strength, and 

flexibility training, as well as practice of balance and coordination. 

Computer group: heterogeneous and multifaceted themes including creative matters, 

coordinative and memory tasks, eg, operating with the common software and hardware, 

writing, playing, calculating, surfing on the Internet, emailing, drawing, image editing, and 


Control group: continued their habitual life 

Neuropsychological assessment 
RBMT, FCSRT, TMT, and Stroop Test 


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Carvalho et al 


Table 2 (Continued) 

Source and 
study design 



Ku et al" 
Prospective study 

Larson et al" 
Prospective study 

Laurin et al'^ 
Prospective study 

Lytle et al" 
Prospective study 

Middleton et al'^ 
Prospective study 

Miu et al' 

Mortimer et al'' 

Physical activity and activities of daily living were 
assessed through questionnaires. The survey was 
conducted every 3—4 years from 1996 to 2007. 
Cognitive performance wzs assessed using the 
lO-item SPMSQ. 
Follow-up: I I years 

The current study was to examine the temporal 
relationship of physical exercise preceding 
development of dementia. 

Physical activity was assessed at baseline by an interview. 
Cognitive function was assessed at baseline and follow- 
up using the CASI. 
Follow-up: biennially for 6.2 years 
Physical activity and cognitive status were assessed 
at baseline and follow-up. 
Follow-up: 5 years 

Physical activity was assessed at baseline through 
self-reporting and cognitive function was assessed 
at baseline and at follow-up using the MMSE. 
Follow-up: 2 years 

Physical fitness was assessed at baseline and follow-up 
by using a battery of fitness and metabolism tests, and 
cognitive function was assessed at baseline and follow- 
up by using the 3MS. 
Follow-up: 2 or 5 years 

Participants were randomized to a control group 
(n=49) or a physical activity treatment group (n=36). 
Physical fitness was assessed at baseline and follow-up 
by using a battery of physical function tests. 
Cognitive status was assessed at baseline and follow-up 
using the MMSE and the ADAS-Cog. 
Follow-up: 3, 6, 9, and 12 months 

Participants were randomized into 4 groups: group I , 
Tai Chi (n=30); group 2, walking (n=30); group 3, 
social (n=30); and group 4, no intervention (n=30) 
for a total of 40 weeks. 

1 , 1 60 subjects 

586 males and 574 females, a67 years 

Inclusion criteria: participants of the longitudinal Survey of Health 

and Living Status of the Elderly (Taiwan Department of Health) 

aged >67 years. 

Exclusion criteria: not stated 

1 ,740 subjects 

693 males and 1 ,047 females, a65 years 
Participants of the ACT study 

Inclusion criteria: ACT study participant with CASI score above 
the 25th percentile; residing in the Seattle area at time of study. 

Exclusion criteria: pre-existing dementia or cognitive impairment 
4,6 1 5 subjects 

1 ,83 1 males and 2,784 females, a65 years 

Participants of the 1991-1992 Canadian Study of Health and 

Aging, a prospective cohort study of dementia. 

Inclusion criteria: age >65 years and registered in the 1991 — 1992 

Canadian Study of Health and Aging. 

Exclusion criteria: dementia 

1,146 participants 

722 males versus 424 females, £65 years 
Participants of MoVIES 

Inclusion criteria: Residing in the community of Monongahela 

Valley (not in a skilled care facility) at time of recruitment; fluent 

in English and having at least a 6th grade education. 

Exclusion criteria: not described 

1 97 subjects 

Sex not stated 

70-79 years 

Participants of the Health ABC study. 

Inclusion criteria: ability to walk 0.4 km, climb ten stairs, and 
perform basic activities of daily living without difficulty; no plans 
to leave the area for the next 3 years. 

Exclusion criteria: life-threatening illness; mobility limitations; 

cognitive impairment (3MS score <80) 

85 participants 

Sex not clearly stated 

£65 years 

Participants of the memory clinic at a regional hospital in Hong Kong 
Inclusion criteria: mild-to-moderate dementia; MMSE 10—26; age 
>60 years; community-dwelling; ambulatory, having a caregiver 
willing to participate and escort the patient to the hospital for 
training and assessment. 

Exclusion criteria: severe dementia or MMSE score < 10 
1 20 subjects 

40 males and 80 females 
60-79 years 

Inclusion criteria: participants of Jingansi Temple Community of 
Shanghai, China aged 60-79 years. 

Exclusion criteria: history of stroke, Parkinson's disease, or 
other neurological disease; inability to walk unassisted for 
2 km or maintain balance with feet side-by-side or semi- 
tandem for 10 seconds each; education-adjusted Chinese 
MMSE <26; cardiovascular disease; musculoskeletal conditions; 
contraindication for MRI; unable to participate in the full study 
and regular vigorous exercise or Tai Chi practice 

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Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 


Physical activity and cognitive function in individuals aged over 60 years 


Cognitive function measurennents 


Physical activity assessment: questionnaire survey at baseline. 

Cognitive performance assessment: SPMSQ that was validated for the Chinese version 
of the MMSE 

Ten-item SPMSQ 


Physical exercise assessment: subject interview (number of days per week and number 
of hours per session) during the past year. Participants who exercised at least 3 times 
a week were classified as regular exercisers. 
Cognitive status and incident dementia assessment: CASI 

CASI (score <86 resulted in a neuropsychological 
clinical evaluation) 

DSM-IV criteria for dementia (25 criteria in total) 


Physical fitness assessment: a self-administered questionnaire by mail. 
Cognitive function assessment: 3MS 

3MS score (a reduction of aS points indicative of 
cognitive decline) 


Physical activity assessment: a standardized questionnaire. 

Exercise was classified as aerobic (high level) or anaerobic (low level). 

Cognitive status assessment: MMSE 

MMSE score (drop of at least 3 points between 
assessments was indicative of cognitive decline) 


Physical fitness assessment: doubly-labeled water techniques for total energy expenditure 
measurement between baseline and follow-up; a respiratory gas analyzer for measuring 
resting metabolic rate; an interviewer-administered questionnaire at first visit to 
ascertain physical activity habits over the past 7 days. 
Cognitive status assessment: 3MS score 

3MS score (a decline of at least one standard deviation 
or 9 points from baseline to the most recent follow-up 
visit indicated cognitive decline) 

Treatment group: aerobic exercise training supervised by a physiotherapist, including 
treadmill, bicycle, and arm ergometry, and 1 0-minute flexibility training prior to each 
session. Training sessions occurred biweekly and lasted 45—60 minutes each. Total 
duration of treatment was 3 months. 
Control group: no intervention 


Tai Chi: practising 3 times per week (20 minutes warm-up, 30 minutes of Tai Chi 
practice, and 10 minutes cool-down). 

Walking: a 400 m circular walking ( 1 0 minutes of warm-up, 30 minutes of brisk walking, 
and 10 minutes of cool-down exercise). 

Social interaction: meeting with group leader for one hour 3 times per week. 

Brain volume assessment: MRI at baseline and at the end of intervention (40 weeks). 

Cognitive assessment: neuropsychological battery at baseline, 20 weeks, and 40 weeks 

Brain volume using MRI 
Neuropsychological battery test 


Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 

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Carvalho et al 


Table 2 (Continued) 

Source and 
study design 



Muscari et aP' 

Nagamatsu et aP' 

Nguyen et aP' 

Podewils et aP' 
Prospective study 

Ravaglia et aP^ 
Prospective study 

Scarmeas et aP' 
Prospective study 

Schuit et aP" 
Prospective study 

Subjects were randomized into a control group (n=60) 
and a physical activity treatment group (n=60). 
Cognitive status was assessed at baseline and follow-up 
by using the MMSE. 
Follow-up: 1 2 months 

Subjects were randomized, single-blinded into: 
twice-weekly resistant training (n=28); twice-weekly 
aerobic training (n=30); or twice-weekly balance 
and tone training (control) group (n=28). 
Follow-up: 6 months 

Participants were randomly divided into 2 groups; 
Tai Chi (n=48) and control (n=48) group. Experienced 
Tai Chi instructors were selected by investigators to 
teach classes. Outcome measures were assessed at 
baseline and the end of 6-month Tai Chi training. 
Follow-up: 6 months 

Physical activity information was assessed at baseline 
and follow-up by interview and the 3MS, respectively. 
Follow-up: annually for 5.4 years 

Physical activity was self-reported at baseline by using 
a questionnaire and cognitive status was measured at 
baseline and follow-up by using a neuropsychological 
test battery. Participants were screened for incident 
dementia using an extensive neuropsychological test 

Follow-up: 4 years 

Physical activity was self-reported at baseline, and cases 
of incident dementia were identified at each follow-up 
using a neuropsychological test battery in conjunction 
a consensus diagnosis among an expert panel based on 
the DSM-IV criteria. 
Follow-up: every 1 .5 years for 1 5 years 

Physical activity was assessed at baseline through self 
reporting. Cognitive function was assessed at baseline 
and follow-up using the MMSE. 
Follow-up: 3 years 

1 20 subjects 

62 males and 58 females 
65-74 years 

Inclusion criteria: participants of the Pianoro Study, aged 65-74 

Exclusion criteria: Presence of any cardiovascular disease and 
the followings; MMSE score <24; BMI < 18 or >32; systolic BP 
> 1 80 or < I 10 mmHg; diastolic BP < I 1 0 mmHg; malignancy; 
moderate or severe respiratory insufficiency; severe arthrosis; 
recent fractures, palsy or relevant neuromotor deficits; 
hemoglobin < I I g/dL; aortic aneurysm >3.5 cm 
86 subjects 
All females 
70-80 years 

Inclusion criteria: female, aged 70-80 years, with probable mild 

cognitive impairment. 

Exclusion criteria: not described 

1 02 subjects 

48 males and 48 males 

60-79 years 

Inclusion criteria: MMSE score >25; having no experience in Tai 

Exclusion criteria: serious diseases such as symptomatic coronary 
diseases, angina, arrhythmia, orthostatic hypotension, and 
3,375 subjects 

1,350 males and 2,025 females 
£65 years 

Inclusion criteria: enrollment in Cardiovascular Health 
Cognition Study; residing in Sacramento County, CA, 
Washington County, MD, Forsyth County, NC, or Pittsburgh, 

Exclusion criteria: dementia 
749 subjects 

348 males and 401 females, £65 years 

Inclusion criteria: individuals £65 years in the Conselice Study of 
Brain Ageing. 

Exclusion criteria: per the Conselice Study of Brain Ageing 

1 ,880 participants 

587 males and 1 ,293 females 

70-82 years 

Participants were recruited through the WHICAP from a sample 

of Medicare beneficiaries in northern Manhattan. 

Inclusion criteria: WHICAP participants. 

Exclusion criteria: not described 

347 participants 

All males 

70-80 years 

Inclusion criteria: participants of the Zutphen Elderly Study, the 

Exclusion criteria: per the Zutphen Elderly Study 

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Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 


Physical activity and cognitive function in individuals aged over 60 years 


Cognitive function measurennents 

Treatment group: 1 2 months of 3 one hour-long sessions per week of supervised 
endurance exercise training in a community group. 

Control group: education to improve lifestyle and self-administered programs to increase 
physical activity 

MMSE score (decrease of greater than one point was 
indicative of cognitive decline) 

Resistant training group: a Keiser pressurized air system and free weights were used. 
Aerobic training group: an outdoor walking program. 

Balance and tone training (control) group: stretching, range of motion, balance exercises, 
and relaxation technique 

Treatment group: a 60-minute Tai Chi session twice a week for 6 months. The session 
consisted of a IS-minute warm-up and cool-down period. 

Control group: no intervention, maintained daily routine activities and not to begin any 
new exercise program 

Primary outcome measure: 

Stroop Test performance 

Secondary outcome measures: TMT, 

Verbal Digits Test 

Memorizing face-scene pairs 

Everyday Problem Test 

TMT for motor speed and visual attention 


Physical activity assessment: modified Minnesota Leisure Time Activity Questionnaire. 
Cognitive status assessment: 3MS or the Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status for 
participants who did not receive a clinical evaluation 

3MS score (<80 within the last 2 visits; decline of at 
least 5 points within the follow-up period; 
Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status score of <28; 
diagnosis of dementia that was documented in medical 


Physical fitness assessment: Paffenbarger Physical Activity Questionnaire. 
Cognitive status assessment: CDS, MMSE, and MDB for use in rural and poorly 
educated subjects 

MMSE (cognitive impairment defined as a score of <24) 


Physical activity assessment: two versions of the Godin leisure time exercise 

Cognitive status assessment: a neuropsychological test battery testing the domains 
of memory, language, reasoning, processing speed, and visual-spatial ability 

The decision of expert panel composed of neurologists 
and neuropsychologists in according to DSM-IV criteria 


Physical fitness assessment: a self-administered questionnaire at baseline. Physical activity 
was categorized as either "maximal I hour/day" or "more than I hour/day". 
Cognitive status assessment: MMSE at baseline and follow-up 

MMSE (drop in 3 points indicative of cognitive decline) 


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Carvalho et al 


Table 2 {Continued) 

Source and 



study design 

Smiley-Oyen et aP' 

Participants were randomized to an aerobic physical 

62 subjects 


activity (Cardio, n=28) group or a strength- 

16 males and 41 females 

and-flexibility (Flex-Tone, n=29) training group. 

65-79 years 

Physical fitness was assessed at baseline and follow-up 

Residents of the mid-western US 

using a battery of fitness tests, and cognitive status 

Inclusion criteria: living independently; able to exercise safely. 

was assessed at baseline and follow-up by using a 

Exclusion criteria: various health-related reasons (autoimmune 

battery of neurocognitive tests. 

disease, cancer diagnosis within the previous 5 years, or 

Follow-up: at 4 and 10 months 

conditions which may be exacerbated by strenuous exercise); 

being "too-fit" ( participation in exercise >3 times/week at 

>40% of their heart rate reserve), or participant's aerobic fitness 

level above the 75th percentile for their age and sex by a time 

walking test) 

Taaffe et al^« 

Physical activity was assessed at baseline by 

2,263 subjects 

Prospective study 

self-reporting and performance. 

All males 

The incident dementia was assessed at baseline 

71-92 years 

and follow-up using CASI. 

Inclusion criteria: enrollment in the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study; 

Follow-up: at 3 and 6 years 

Japanese-American men born between 1900 and 1919 living on 

the island of Oahu, Hawaii. 

Exclusion criteria: dementia 

Van Gelder et al" 

Physical activity was assessed at baseline and at follow- 

295 subjects 

Prospective study 

up by using a self-administered questionnaire, and 

All males 

cognitive status was assessed at baseline and at follow- 

70-90 years 

up by using MMSE. 

Inclusion criteria: participants of the Surviving cohorts of the 

Follow-up: at 5 and 1 0 years 

Seven Countries Study in Europe. 

Exclusion criteria: poor health (myocardial infarction, stroke, 

diabetes, or cancer); severe cognitive impairment (MMSE <I8) 

Wang et al'" 

Physical fitness was assessed at baseline by using a 

2,228 subjects 

Prospective study 

physical function test battery and cognitive function 

863 males versus 1,365 females 

was assessed at baseline and follow-up by using 

a6S years 

a neurocognitive test battery. 

Inclusion criteria: participants of the Adult Changes in Thought 

Follow-up: biennially through October 2003 

study (1994-1996) Exclusion criteria: CASI <86; dementia; 

(8-10 years) 

invalid measurements on the cognitive performance test or 

physical performance test at baseline; persons without a follow- 

up examination 

Wang et al" 

Leisure activity levels and cognitive status assessment 

1,463 subjects 

Prospective study 

were performed at baseline and follow-up. 

744 males and 7 1 9 females 

Follow-up: mean 2.4 (2.3-2.6) years 

£65 years 

Participants of a longitudinal population-based study of aging in 

the People's Republic of China between 2003 and 2005. 

Inclusion criteria: residents aged £65 years in the study regions. 

Exclusion criteria: baseline global cognitive score in the bottom 

10%; physical disability 

Williamson et al' 

Subjects were randomized to a control group (n=52) 

1 02 participants 


or a physical activity treatment group (n=SO). 

50 males and 72 females 

Physical fitness was assessed at baseline and follow- 

70-89 years 

up using a battery of performance tests for balance. 

Participants of the LIFE-P study 

walking speed, and sitting-to-standing time. 

Inclusion criteria: sedentary lifestyle; ability to walk 400 m in 1 5 

Cognitive function was assessed at baseline and 

minutes without resting or assistance; SPPB score <9. 

follow-up by using a neuropsychological test battery. 

Exclusion criteria: MMSE <2 1 ; life expectancy of < 1 2 months; 

Follow-up: 12 months 

heart disease; severe neurological conditions such as Parkinson's 

disease during time of study 

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Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 


Physical activity and cognitive function in individuals aged over 60 years 


Cognitive function measurennents 

Cardio group: a 10-month of tri-weekly training sessions (lO-minute warm-up, 

25—30 minutes of aerobic exercise on the equipment of the participant's choice (treadmill 

stair-stepping machine, stationary cycle, and elliptical machine), and 

a lO-minute cool down. 

Flex-Tone group: A 10-month tri-weekly training sessions (lO-minute warm-up, 
25—30 minutes of strength, flexibility, and balance exercises (yoga, Tai Chi, Flex bands, 
free hand weights, resistance weight training machines, and stability balls), and 
a lO-minute cool down; 8-10 exercises of 1 — 15 repetitions each were performed 

Reaction time tests including simple reaction time, 
8-choice reaction time, 8-choice incompatible reaction 
time, and Go/No-Go reaction time 
Stroop Color and Word Test 
Wisconsin Card Sort Test 


Physical activity assessment: a self-reported questioner. 

Physical function assessment: four performance tasks, ie, timed walk, sitting-to-standing 
time, grip strength, and balance. 

Cognitive status assessment: CASI used as the initial assessment. For CASI <74, 
subjects underwent a second phase of screening (a repeat CASI and administration 
of the IQCODE). Men with an IQCODE score of >3.6 underwent a third phase 
assessment (a standardized interview and neuropsychological battery, neurological 
examination, neuroimaging, and blood testing) 

Physical fitness assessment: a self-administered questionnaire. 

Physical activity was categorized into four groups: <30, 3 1—60, 6 1 — 1 20, and 

> 1 20 minutes per day. 

Cognitive status assessment: MMSE 

CASI (scores <74 indicative of possible dementia) 
IQCODE (scores <3.6 indicative of probable dementia) 
Diagnoses were finally decided by consensus of an 
appointed expert panel 

MMSE (scores < 1 8 indicative of cognitive decline) 


Physical fitness assessment: Four different physical performance tests (timed 
walk, seating-to-standing time, standing balance, grip strength). 
Cognitive function assessment: CASI 

CASI (score >86 were categorized as dementia-free) 


Leisure activities assessment: a self-reported questionnaire in predefined list of mental, 
physical and social activities. 

Cognitive assessment: face-to-face interviews at the home of subjects using the 
followings; CSID, Word List Learning, Word List Recall, lU Story Recall, Animal Fluency 
Test, lU Token Test 

Global cognitive function: CSID 

Episodic memory: Word List Learning, Word List 

Recall, ID Story Recall 

Language: Animal Fluency Test 

Executive function: ID Token Test 

Treatment group: physical activity intervention consisting of a combination of aerobic, 
strength, balance, and flexibility exercises divided into 3 phases: adoption (weeks 1-8), 
transition (weeks 9—24), and maintenance (week 25 to end of study). 
Control group: health education intervention designed to provide attention and health 
education to participants. Participants met in small groups weekly for the first 26 weeks 
and then monthly to the end of the study 

Digit Symbol 
Substitution Test 
Modified Stroop Test 

The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test 


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Carvalho et al 


Table 2 (Continued) 

Source and 



study design 

Yaffe etal" 

Physical activity was self-reported at baseline through 

5,925 subjects 

Prospective study 

both interview and questionnaire. Cognitive function 

All females 

was assessed at baseline and follow-up using the 3MS. 

a6S years 

Follow-up: 6-8 years 

Inclusion criteria: participants of the Study of Osteoporotic 
Fractures (a prospective study for risk factors of fractures in 
Baltimore, MD, Minneapolis, MN, Pittsburgh, PA, or Portland, 
OR, USA). 

Exclusion criteria: black women: unable to walk without 
assistance: bilateral hip replacements; baseline cognitive 
impairment; baseline physical limitations 

Abbreviations: 3MS, Modified Mini-Mental State; ACT, Adult Changes in Thought; ADAS-Cog, Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale; BMI, body mass index; 
BP, blood pressure; CASI, Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument; CSID, Community Screening for Dementia; DSM-iV, Diagnostic and StaUstical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth 
Edition; Health ABC, Health, Aging, and Body Composition; CDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; YPAS, Yale Physical Activity Survey; LIFE-P, Lifestyle Interventions and Independence 
for Elders Pilot; MDB, Mental Deterioration Battery; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; RBMT, Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test; FCSRT, Free and Cued Selective 
Reminding Test; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; TMT, Trail Making Tests; SPMSQ, Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaires; 3GM, Modified Mini-Mental Status Examination; 
MoVIES, Monongahela Valley Independent Elders Survey; SPPB, Short Physical Performance Battery; RCT, randomized controlled trial; WHICAP, Washington Heights-lnwood 
Columbia Aging Project; IQCODE, Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly; AD, Alzheimer's disease; RM, repetition maximum; lU, Indiana University. 

Effect of physical activity intervention 

Twenty-seven studies (Table 1) met the inclusion criteria 
for this review. Of these, 26 studies reported a significant 
association between physical activity and cognitive function 
in late life (Tables 3 and 4). Of the ten RCTs, nine showed 
a positive correlation and one showed a nonsignificant 
correlation.' Although these studies included both male and 
female subjects, one RCT by Klusmann et al'" enrolled only 
elderly healthy female subjects. As compared with controls, 
the authors also found a significant benefit of physical exercise 
(aerobic training with a bicycle ergometer or treadmill) in 
this elderly female population. Therefore, the majority of the 
studies concluded that physical activity in later life confers a 
protective effect on cognition in elderly subjects. Additionally, 
there were five studies"""" that reported a dose-response asso- 
ciation between physical activity and cognitive function. 


This review examined the effect of physical activity in late 
life on age-related cognitive decline in older individuals with 
normal cognitive function or mild cognitive impairment at 
baseline. When selecting studies for review, the assumption was 
made that there is no difference in effect on cognition between 
different physical activities, ranging from aerobic to isometric 
exercises. As such, all types of physical activity program 
interventions were accepted in the study selection process. The 
data indicate that this assumption was generally connect; 26 of 
27 studies showed a significant association between physical 
activity and cognitive decline, whereby an increased level of 
physical activity resulted in attenuation of cognitive decline and 
cognitive disease (Tables 3 and 4). hi the ten RCTs evaluated 

in this review, the different interventions included aerobic and 
isometric exercise, weight training, andTai Chi. Eight of these 
studies showed a significant outcome benefit, with one study 
showing a nonsignificant correlation (Table 4). Although these 
trials were not designed to determine a threshold effect or dose- 
response effect, there were five prospective studies suggesting 
a dose-response relationship in the level of benefit found with 
exercise,"""" thus providing additional credence to the specific- 
ity of the effects of exercise on cognitive function. 

Implications of evidence quality 

Despite the preponderance of positive studies, only nine of 
the 27 studies were considered to be of high quality and the 
overall risk of bias was moderate in 16 studies (Table 1). 
Many studies included in this review relied on self-reporting 
to assess exercise habits, rather than using a more objective 
means of measuring physical activity. 

In the studies evaluated in this review, outcome measures 
of cognitive performance were wide-ranging and measured 
different aspects of cognitive ftinction (Table S3). Several 
studies used a neuropsychological test battery to test multiple 
aspects of cognitive function, while other studies used only 
one or two cognitive tests. Data heterogeneity may have con- 
founded identification of the domains of cognitive fiinction 
that were most affected by exercise. We standardized the cog- 
nitive metrics, inclusion criteria, and outcomes in this review 
as much as possible, which may have enabled us to ascertain 
an association between exercise and a few specific domains 
of cognitive function, such as the MMSE and Cognitive 
Inhibition (Stroop Color and Word Test). In the nine studies 
considered to be of higher quality, seven were RCTs' '" ""^' 

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Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 


Physical activity and cognitive function in individuals aged over 60 years 

Interventions Cognitive function measurennents 

None 3MS score (cognitive decline defined as a decrease in 3 

Physical fitness assessment: a self-reported questionnaire and a modified Paffenbarger or more points from baseline to follow-up) 

scale (to quantify frequency and duration of weekly participation in 33 different physical 
activities) administered by trained interviewees. 
Cognitive function assessment: 3MS 

and two were prospective studies. "'■^^ In these studies, a posi- 
tive correlation was evident between physical activity in later 
life and cognition in the elderly subjects evaluated. 

Similarly, the types of physical activity interventions used 
in the studies reviewed were wide-ranging, from aerobic or 
isometric physical activity, or combinations of both. Given 
the variability in physical activity interventions and the mea- 
sures of cognitive function, it was not possible to determine 
a distinct relationship between specific types of physical 
activity and improvements in specific cognitive domains. As 
such, better standardization of the types of physical activity 
interventions could have clarified the specific causal relation- 
ships more effectively. 

The durations of the included studies ranged from 6 months 
to several years. It is possible that improvements in some 
aspects of cognitive function occur shortly after completion of 
an exercise program, while improvements in other aspects may 
take several months or years to develop. For example, when 
using the 3MS or MMSE as one of the outcome measures, there 
was only one study showing a positive effect at 12 months^" 
whereas the other two did not;* ' and five studies demonstrated 
the positive impact of exercise on cognitive function over the 
course of more than 12 months. The positive effect of 
exercise on cognitive speed^*"'^' and cognitive inhibitory fiinc- 
tion^' can be observed as early as 6 months. These observations 
highlight the time-specific effect of physical activity on each 
cognitive domain. Of interest, a study by Segal et aP^ found 
that the acute effects of exercise enhance learning ability in 
patients with mild cognitive impairment and subjects with 
normal cognition. These investigators postulated that exercise 
could function as a stimulus for memory consolidation due to 

its stimulatory effects on the locus coeruleus and consequent 
release of norepinephrine. They found that exercise, conducted 
acutely after a period of learning, significantly increased the 
release of endogenous norepinephi-ine in both types of study 
subjects and resulted in retrograde enhancement of memory.^* 
As such, acute exercise, associated with periods of learning, 
may be a positive therapeutic intervention for cognitive decline 
in elderly subjects. In future research, it would be important to 
determine which forms of exercise affect specific domains of 
cognition and, also, the latency and duration of effect. 

An exclusion criterion for this review was the presence 
of specific underlying conditions or diseases in the study 
population (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 
diabetes, traumatic head injury, cardiovascular disease, or 
depression). Therefore, our findings cannot be extrapolated 
to individuals with chronic underlying conditions in whom 
improvements in cognitive performance following a program 
of physical activity may be diminished or not apparent. For 
example, Hoffman et aF' published an RCT in which a pro- 
gram of physical activity failed to improve neurocognition 
in elderly subjects with clinical depression. This also has 
implications when assessing the overall effectiveness of physi- 
cal activity in later life on cognitive performance in the very 
elderly, since a significant proportion of this population suffers 
from chronic conditions that may impede improvements in 
cognitive function following a physical activity regimen. 

Neural plasticity: possible mechanisms 
for effect of exercise on cognition 

Decline in cognitive fimction is one of the hallmarks of the 
aging process. The concept of neuronal structural plasticity 

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 

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Carvalho et al 


Table 3 Results of included studies 

Source and study 


Buchman et zP^ 
Prospective study 
Busse et al" 

Bixby et al" 
Cassilhas et al'° 

Geda et al" 
Case control 
Klusmann et al'° 

Ku et al" 
Prospective study 

Larson et al'' 
Prospective study 

Laurin et aP 
Prospective study 

Lyde et al" 
Prospective study 
Middleton et al'^ 
Prospective study 

Miu et al' 

Mortimer et al" 

Muscari et aP' 

Nagamatsu et aP' 

Nguyen et al" 

Podewils et al" 
Prospective study 

Total daily physical activities were associated with incident Alzheimer's disease (hazard ratio 0.477, 95% confidence 
interval 0.273-0.832). 

After 9 months, the physical activity group showed a significant increase in RBMT score from pre-test to post-test, while 
the control group showed no increase. 

A small but significant association between physical fitness and executive function in the sample of older men and women. 

Both moderate-intensity and high-intensity resistance exercise programs had equally beneficial effects on cognitive 
functioning. However, the study was not able to identify a dose-response relationship between level of exercise and level 
of cognitive functioning. 

The odds ratio for any frequency of exercise of at least a moderate level in late life was 0.68, suggesting that any frequency 
of moderate-intensity exercise performed in late life is associated with a reduced odds ratio of mild cognitive impairment. 
Both the exercise group (mean ± SD change 2.09±2.66, P<0.00 1 ) and the computer group (mean ± SD change 1 .89±2.88, 
P<0.00 1 ) showed improved delayed story recall. They maintained performance in delayed word recall and working 
memory (time measure) as opposed to the control group that showed a decline (mean ± SD change —0.9 1 ±2. 1 5, P=0.00 1 , 
and mean ± SD change 0.24±0.68, P=0.04, respectively). In conclusion, in older healthy women, exercise and computer 
classes seem to generate equivalent beneficial effects. 

Using the multivariate adjustment (controlling for sociodemographic variables, lifestyle behavior, and health status), 
higher initial levels of physical activity were significantly associated with better initial cognitive performance (standardized 
coefficient P=0. 17). A higher level of physical activity at baseline was significantly related to slower decline in cognitive 
performance, as compared with a lower level of activity (|3=0.22) . The authors conclude that physical activity in later life 
is associated with slower age-related cognitive decline. 

During the follow-up period, 158 participants developed dementia while 107 developed Alzheimer's disease. The 
interaction between exercise and incident dementia or Alzheimer disease was found to be statistically significant. The 
incidence rate of dementia was 1 3.0 per 1 ,000 person-years for participants who exercised 3 or more times per week, 
compared with 1 9.7 per 1 ,000 person-years for those who exercised less than 3 times per week. Similar results were 
observed in analyses for incident Alzheimer's disease. 

The results showed that, compared with no exercise, physical activity was significandy associated with lower risks of cognitive 
impairment of all types, including dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Furthermore, a significant dose-response relationship was 
observed whereby greater physical activity was associated with increased protection for cognitive decline and disease. 
A significant negative association (positive effect of exercise) between both low and high exercise and cognitive decline 
was observed. 

The results showed that older adults in the highest level of activity energy expenditure had lower odds of incident 
cognitive impairment than those in the lowest levels of activity energy expenditure. Furthermore, a significant dose- 
response relationship was observed between incident activity energy expenditure and incidence of cognitive impairment. 
Eighty-two patients were available for analysis. The results showed no statistically significant difference between the 
treatment or control groups in terms of cognitive function. 

One hundred and twenty subjects were analyzed. In comparison with a no intervention group, Tai Chi and social 
intervention showed an increase of brain volume via magnetic resonance imaging (P<0.05) and improvement in several 
neuropsychological measures (P<0.05). No difference was observed between the walking and the no intervention group. 
This result differs from the previous trials in that the increase of brain volume and cognitive function in the current study 
is associated with nonaerobic exercise and social interaction. 

One hundred and nine patients were available for analysis. A significant decrease in MMSE score in the control group was 
observed, and the odds ratio for treated older adults having stable cognitive status one year later (as compared with the 
control group) was 2.74, suggesting that a 1 2-month endurance exercise training program may delay the onset of age- 
related cognitive decline in the elderly. 

Resistance training participants had significantly improved performance on the Stroop Test, an executive cognitive test 
of selective attention/conflict resolution and the associated memory task compared with subjects in a balance and tone 
training group (P=0.04 and P=0.03, respectively). This study suggests that twice-weekly resistance training could alter the 
trajectory of cognitive decline in seniors with mild cognitive impairment. 

There were no significant differences between balance, sleep quality, and cognitive performance test. At the end of the 
study, participants in the Tai Chi training group showed a significantly (P<0.00 1 ) higher Trail Making Test score in part A 
(44.2±4.5 versus 35±4.3) and part B ( I 1 8.3±6.4 versus 1 02±5). 

Participants in the highest quartile of physical energy expenditure had a relative risk of dementia of 0.85 compared with 
those in the lowest quartile, and participants who participated in more than four physical activities had a relative risk of 
dementia of 0.5 1 as compared with those who participated in 0 or I physical activities. Similar results were observed with 
risk of Alzheimer's disease. 


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Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 


Physical activity and cognitive function in individuals aged over 60 years 

Table 3 {Continued) 

Source and study 


Ravaglia et aP' Physical activity is associated w\th a lowered risk of vascular dementia, but not of Alzheimer's disease. 

Prospective study 

Scarmeas et al" During a mean of 5.4 years of follow-up, a total of 282 incident Alzheimer's disease cases occurred. The hazard ratio for 

Prospective study some physical activity (compared with no physical activity) was 0.67, and for much physical activity was 0.67. This study 

suggests that physical activity is associated with a reduced risk for Alzheimer's disease. 
Schuit et aP'' Subjects with one hour or less of daily physical activity were at doubly increased risk of cognitive decline as compared 

Prospective study with subjects who participated in more than one hour of physical activity daily. This study suggests that promotion of 

physical activity at an advance aged may reduce the risk of cognitive decline. 
Smiley-Oyen et aP' The results showed improvements in performance on the Stroop Color and Word Test only in the aerobic exercise 

RCT group, and the study failed to show a dose-response relationship. 

Taaffe et aP° For men with low physical function at baseline, high levels of exercise were associated with half the dementia risk as 

Prospective study compared with men who were the least active. A moderate level of physical activity was found to be protective, because 

the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease decreased significantly with higher levels of physical activity. However, the 
study was not able to identify a correlation between dementia and Alzheimer's disease risk and physical activity in men 
with moderate or high levels of physical activity at baseline. 
Van Gelder et aP' While there was no difference in the rates of cognitive decline between men with a high or low duration of physical 

Prospective study activity at baseline, it was observed that a decrease in physical activity duration >60 minutes per day over 10 years 

resulted in a decline of 1.7 points in the MMSE. Further, men in the lowest physical activity intensity quartile had a 10-year 
cognitive decline 1 .8 times greater than that observed in men in the higher physical activity intensity quartiles. This study 
suggests that participation in physical activities of at least low-medium intensity in old age may delay the onset of cognitive 

Wang et al'" During the 1 0-year period, 3 1 9 participants developed dementia and 22 1 developed Alzheimer's disease. The results 

Prospective study showed that a one-point decrease in performance-based physical function test scores was associated with an increased 

risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. This study suggests that poor physical function may lead to onset of dementia 
and Alzheimer's disease, while higher levels of physical fitness may delay onset of cognitive decline and disease. 
Wang et aP A high level of physical activity was related to less decline in episodic memory (P<O.OS) and language (P<O.OI). When 

Prospective study mental, physical, and social activities were integrated into a composite activity index, a dose-response pattern was observed. 

Williamson et al° Ninety participants were available for analysis at the end of the study. The results did not show a significant difference 

RCT between the groups; however, improvements in cognitive test scores on the Digit Symbol Substitution Test, Rey Auditory 

and Verbal Learning Test, and modified Stroop Test were associated with improvements in physical function. 
Yaffe et al" Women with a greater baseline physical fitness level were less likely to undergo cognitive decline during the 6— 8-year 

Prospective study follow-up period. A dose-response relationship was observed whereby cognitive decline occurred in 17%, 18%, 22%, and 

24% of women in the highest, third, second, and lowest quartiles of physical activity as measured by blocks walked per 
week. Similar results were obtained when analyzing quartiles of kilocalorie expenditure. This study suggests that women 
with higher levels of baseline physical activity and fitness are less likely to develop cognitive decline. 
Abbreviations: RBMT, Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test; RCT, randomized controlled trial; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination. 

in learning and memory processes^"-^' suggests that cognitive 
decline in aging may be associated with dysregulation of brain 
plasticity.'^ Mahncke et al" demonstrated that elderly subjects 
with normal cognitive function had enhancement of memory 
following an intensive, plasticity -based computer training pro- 
gram. Physical exercise^'' " promotes positive neuroplasticity, 
increases cognitive reserve and higher neuronal connection 

Table 4 Association betv/een physical activity and cognitive 
function in selected studies 

Level of association 

Number of studies 








No association 





(See above references) 

Abbreviation: N/A, not applicable. 

density, and results in improved cognitive fiinction. On the 
contrary, negative neuroplasticity results from physical inac- 
tivity, poor nutrition, substance abuse, and social isolation, 
decreases cognitive reserve, and inhibits formation of neuronal 
connections, leading to reduced cognitive function.'"'" 

Cerebral blood flow 

While both aerobic and isometric physical activity are thought 
to confer improved cognition, studies suggest that aerobic 
exercise may be more effective in slowing degenerative 
neurological processes that lead to age-related cognitive 
decline and dementia.'^ How might aerobic exercise contrib- 
ute to neuroprotection? Many processes leading to cognitive 
decline stem from atherosclerotic or cerebrovascular condi- 
tions that produce cerebral hypoperfiision.^' Ruitenberg et al 

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 

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Carvalho et al 


found that higher cerebral blood flow velocity was significantly 
associated with less cognitive decline and lower velocity was 
related to Alzheimer's disease.'*" The capacity of long-term 
aerobic exercise to mitigate the effects of vascular disease 
is well established,"" and may be an important mechanism 
of cognitive preservation due to exercise. Other mechanisms 
of neuronal enhancement with exercise include the role of 
neurotransmitters, changes in brain vasculature, and effects of 
neurotrophins.*^ *^ These processes, individually or together, 
may attenuate neurodegeneration and confer neuroprotective 
benefits, resulting in improved cognitive function. 


Angiogenesis, the formation of vasculature by pre-existing 
endothelial cells, occurs in the brain during development but 
declines with age. Animal models have shown that exercise 
induces angiogenesis of small-vessel vasculature in the cer- 
ebellum, motor cortex, and hippocampus. Animal studies have 
shown that the hippocampus, which is essential for memory 
formation, is highly oxygen-dependent. Consequently, hip- 
pocampal angiogenesis may explain improvements in learning 
and memory following sustained, moderate-level physical 
activity. Maximal oxygen consumption increases with aero- 
bic exercise, which is thought to be effective in promoting 
brain angiogenesis in experimental animals (rodents'*' and 
monkeys'*^). Therefore, aerobic exercise may have more 
impact on cognitive performance than isometric exercise. 

Effects of cytokines, neurotrophins, 
and brain volume 

Neurotrophins are endogenous brain proteins that serve to 
promote neuroplasticity, and are thought to play a central 
role in response to physical activity. Granulocyte colony- 
stimulating factor (G-CSF) and brain-derived neurotrophic 
factor (BDNF) are implicated in mediating increases in 
cerebral gray matter volume and hippocampal volume, 
respectively,*^ and enhancing cognitive performance by 
optimizing cognitive reserve, increasing learning capacity, 
and streamlining memory processes.*^ The effect of G-CSF in 
subjects undergoing exercise protocols has been evaluated in 
several studies; plasma levels of G-CSF have been found to 
increase significantly after short bursts of aerobic exercise*'' 
as well as following periods of endurance exercise.*' The role 
of G-CSF on neutrophil activation, proliferation, and survival 
is important for the immune response, thus illustrating the 
possible correlation with exercise in immunomodulation. 
BDNF is integral to differentiation, extension, and survival 
of neurons in the hippocampus, cortex, and cerebellum 

during brain development,**"^" and increases levels of syn- 
aptophysin and synaptobrevin, substances that aid transport 
of neurotransmitter vesicles. Support for this mechanism 
comes from animal studies showing that regulation of 
BDNF is associated with physical activity, as demonstrated 
by increased BDNF gene expression in rats as a result of 
running,^^^-'"' with diminished or nonapparent effects when 
BDNF production is blocked. '^ The role of BDNF in cognitive 
impairment remains inconclusive, with studies reporting 
different results. Nevertheless, the importance of BDNF 
in preservation and enhancement of cognitive function in 
humans was demonstrated by Erickson et al,*^ who found 
that decreased levels were associated with age-related decline 
in hippocampal volume, and that aerobic exercise increased 
BDNF, hippocampal and temporal lobe volumes, and spatial 
memory. The association between BDNF level, hippocampal 
volume, and dementia was also established at the molecular 
level in subjects with BDNF gene polymorphism." 


There is evidence suggesting that physical activity in later 
life is beneficial for cognitive function in elderly persons. 
These benefits include enhancement of existing cognitive 
function and maintenance of optimal cognitive function, as 
well as prevention or delayed progression of cognitive dis- 
eases, such as Alzheimer's dementia or other neurocognitive 
disorders. However, the majority of the evidence included 
in this review was of medium quality, and the overall risk 
of bias in the studies used in this review is moderately high. 
Despite the variable quality of the evidence, most of the data 
supports the concept that moderate-level physical activity in 
late life may improve cognitive function and delay the onset 
of debilitating cognitive disease in older persons. More evi- 
dence obtained from larger RCTs, preferably lasting for at 
least one year, is needed to confirm the association between 
physical activity in late life and improvements in cognitive 
function. Future research should focus on whether aerobic 
or isometric physical activity has a greater effect on cogni- 
tion in the elderly, and which cognitive domains are most 
affected by physical activity. Additionally, research should 
be directed toward identifying and implementing exercise 
programs that would produce extended results on cognitive 
function in elderly patients. 


The authors acknowledge the Department of Veterans Affairs, 
Queen's University Belfast and The John Butler Lung Foun- 
dation for their support of this work. 

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Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 


Physical activity and cognitive function in individuals aged over 60 years 


The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work. 


1 . Vance D, Wright M. Positive and negative neuroplasticity : implications 
for age-relative cognitive declines. J Gerontol Nurs. 2009;35: 1 1-17. 

2. Kinsella K, He W. An Aging World: 2008. US Census Bureau, 
International Population Reports. Available from: http://www.census. 
gov/prod/2009pubs/p95-09-l.pdf. Accessed January 6, 2009. 

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Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 


Physical activity and cognitive function in individuals aged over 60 years 

Supplementary material 

Table SI Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Methods 
summary ratings of quality of individual studies 

Good (low risk These studies have the least bias and results are 
of bias) considered valid. A study that adheres mosdy to the 

commonly held concepts of high quality including the 
following: a formal randomized controlled design; clear 
description of the population, setting, interventions, 
and comparison groups; appropriate measurement of 
outcomes; appropriate statistical and analytic methods 
and reporting; no reporting errors; low dropout rate 
and clear reporting of dropouts. 
Fair These studies are susceptible to some bias, but it is 

not sufficient to invalidate the results. They do not 
meet all the criteria required for a rating of good 
quality because they have some deficiencies, but 
no flaw is likely to cause major bias. The study may 
be missing information, making it difficult to assess 
limitations and potential problems. 
Poor (high risk These studies have significant flaws that imply biases 
of bias) of various types that may invalidate the results. 

They have serious errors in design, analysis, or 
reporting; large amounts of missing information; 
or discrepancies in reporting. 

Source: Agency for Healtiicare Research and Quality Methods Reference Guide for 
Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews ( http://vvww.ahrq.gOv/ V 

Table S2 Characteristics of excluded studies 

Andel et al' 
Baker et aP 
Barnes et al' 
Brown et al"" 

Chang et al^ 
Colcombe et al' 

Devore et al' 
Etgen et al" 
Fabre et al' 
Floel etal'" 
Gillum et al" 
Hassett et aP 

Kasai et al'^ 
Lautenschlager et al'"* 
Liu-Ambrose et aP 

McAuley et al" 

McAuley et al" 

Netz et al" 
O'Dwyer et al" 
Ojofeitimi et aP° 
Parekh et aP' 
Rovio et al^^ 
Rovio et al" 
Scherder et aP"* 
Shubert et aP' 
Vercambre et aP' 

The study examines the effect of mid-life, not 

late-life, physical activity on cognition. 

Participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria of this review. 

Participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria of this review. 

The study contained too few participants and 

participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria of this review. 

Examines the effect of mid-life, not late-life, 

physical activity on cognition. 

The study contained too few participants and 

participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria of this review. 

Participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria of this review. 

Participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria of this review. 

The duration of the study was too short to 

meet the given inclusion criteria of this review. 

Participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria of this review. 

The outcome measure was death; this does not 

meet the given inclusion criteria for this review. 

Participants were patients who had suffered 

traumatic brain injury; this was an exclusion 

criterion for the review. 

The study contained too few participants to 

meet the given inclusion criteria of this review. 

Participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria of this review. 

Participants were elderly patients who had 

specifically suffered falls; this was an exclusion 

criterion for the review. 

The study contained too few participants and 

participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria of this review. 

Outcome measures included social-relation 

capacity and well-being; this does not meet the 

given inclusion criteria for this review. 

Participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria of this review. 

The duration of the trial was too short to meet 

the given inclusion criteria of this review. 

Participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria for this review. 

Participants were patients with lung disease; 

this was an exclusion criterion for this review. 

The study examines the effect of mid-life, not 

late-life, physical activity. 

The study examines the effect of mid-life, not 

late-life, physical activity. 

The duration of the trial was too short to meet 
the given inclusion criteria for this review. 
The duration of the trial was too short to meet 
the given inclusion criteria for this review. 
Participants were patients specifically with 
vascular disease; this was an exclusion criterion 
for the review. 


Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 

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Carvalho et al 

Table S2 {Continued) 

Verghese et al" 

The study examines the effect of cognitive, not 

physical, leisure activities on late-life cognition. 


The study contained too few participants to 

et aP= 

meet the given inclusion criteria for this review. 

Weuve et aP' 

Participants were too young to meet the given 

inclusion criteria for this review. 

Wolinsky et al^" 

The study examines the effect of cognitive, not 

physical, activities on late-life cognition. 


Table S3 Grouping of cognitive tests and studies of cognitive function 

Cognitive domain 

Name of test 


Cognitive speed 

Immediate verbal memory 

Global cognitive function 

Cognitive inhibition 
Working memory 

Differentiation between dementia 
and Alzheimer's disease 
Verbal/nonverbal intelligence 
Sustained attention 
Presence of dementia 

Presence of Alzheimer's disease 
Executive function 

Simple reaction time 

8-Choice reaction time 

Go/no-go reaction time 

Digit symbol substitution test 

Trail making test 

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale 

The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test 

Mini-Mental State Examination 

Modified Mini-Mental State Examination 

Stroop Color and Word Test 

Direct and Indirect Digit Span 
Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test 
Memory Complaints Scale 
Cambridge Cognitive Test 

Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test 

Toulouse-Pieron Concentration Attention Test 

Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument 

Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly 

Community Screening for Dementia 

Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale 

Mental Deterioration Battery 

Wisconsin Card Sort Test 

Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test 

Smiley-Oyen et al^' 
Smiley-Oyen et al^' 
Smiley-Oyen et al^' 
Williamson et al" 

Klusmann et al," Nguyen et al,''' Nagamatsu et al'^ 
Busse et al^' 
Williamson et al" 

Lyde et al," Miu et al,'° Muscari et al," 
Ravaglia et al,* Schuit et al,"' Van Gelder et al,"^ 
Williamson et al," Laurin et al,* Klusmann et al'^ 
Middleton et al,"" Podewils et al,"= Yaffe et al"' 
Bixby et al,"' Smiley-Oyen et al,'' 
Williamson et al," Nagamatsu et al'^ 
Busse et al" 
Busse et al" 

Cassilhas et al,"° Busse et aP' 
Busse et aP' 

Bixby et al"' 

Cassilhas et al"° 

Taaffe et al,"' Wang et aP' 

Taaffe et a!"' 

Wang et aP" 

Miu et aP' 

Ravaglia et al"" 

Smiley-Oyen et aP' 

Williamson et al," Wang et aP' 

submit your manuscript | 


Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 



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41. Schuit AJ, Feskens EJ, Launer LJ, Kiomhout D. Physical activity and 47. Bixby WR, Spalding TW, Haufler AJ, et al. The unique relation of 
cognitive decline, the role of the apolipoprotein e4 allele. Med Sci Sports physical activity to executive function in older men and women. Med 
Exerc. 2001;33:772-777. Sci Sports Exerc. 2007;39:1408-1416. 

42. van Gelder BM, Tijhuis MA, Kalmijn S, Giampaoli S, Nissinen A, 48. Cassilhas RC, Viana VA, GrassmannY et al. The impact of resistance 
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men: the FINE Study Neurology. 2004;63:2316-2321. 2007;39:1401-1407. 

43. Laurin D, Verreault R, Lindsay J, MacPherson K, RockwoodK. Physical 49. Taaffe DR, Irie F, MasakiKH, et al. Physical activity, physical fiinction, 
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peraona. Arch Neurol. 2001;58:498-504. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63:529-535. 

44. Middleton LE, Manini TM, Simonsick EM, et al. Activity energy 50. Wang L, Larson EE, Bowen JD, van Belle G. Performance-based 
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45. Podewils LJ, Guallar E, Kuller LH, et al. Physical activity, APOE 51. Wang HX, Jin Y, Hendrie HC, etal. Late life leisure activities and risk of 
genotype, and dementia risk: findings from the Cardiovascular Health cognitive decline. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013;68:205-213. 
Cognition Study Am J Epidemiol. 2005;161:639-651. 

46. Yaffe K. A prospective study of physical activity and cognitive decline 
in elderly women: Women who walk. Archives of Internal Medicine 

Clinical Interventions in Aging 

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Clinical Interventions in Aging is an international, peer-reviewed journal 
focusing on evidence-based reports on the value or lack thereof of treat- 
ments intended to prevent or delay the onset of maladaptive correlates 
of aging in human beings. This journal is indexed on PubMed Central, 
MedLine, the American Chemical Society's 'Chemical Abstracts 


Service' (CAS), Scopus and the Elsevier Bibliographic databases. The 
manuscript management system is completely online and includes a 
very quick and fair peer-review system, which is all easy to use. Visit to read real quotes from 
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Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9